These past three weeks have
absolutely flown by. Orientation is officially over, and I have moved into my
on-campus apartment, where I will be living until June 2016! It hasn't quite
hit me yet, probably because the students are still on vacation and the campus
is pretty dead. Classes don't start until next Monday, August 31st. We have about a week to settle into our new
places and prepare for classes to begin (think class rules, procedures, reward,
tracking system, etc.) So, what have I been up to since I last posted, you
might ask?
Around the end of the second week of orientation, we had an optional field trip to climb Yuelu Montain, a popular sight-seeing spot on the west side of Changsha across the Xiang River. I've been told that it's harder to find true "hikes" in China, as most mountains or peaks are often just paved over for cars, motorcycles, and shuttle buses to take visitors up to the top. So as about 20 of us were climbing Yuelu, we all had to constantly make way for speeding motorcycles as they honked noisily at us (more about China's transportation at another time..), which is a foreign concept when hiking many other places in the world. In addition, it was funny to see Chinese women trying to walk up in short heels or wedges- they try to be fashionable at all times of the day, regardless of the activity. As we made it to the top, we noticed something unfortunate: we could barely see anything because of the smog that covered the city. It was a great trip nonetheless, and there are many points along Yuelu that have historical significance (which we completely missed, oops), which people may find interesting. It is something that some of the other volunteers and I look forward to doing again in the future.

This week of moving in has
actually not been very eventful. Once I actually start teaching, I'm sure I'll
have more updates and stories. Until then, 再见!